About the Club
DECA is the leading CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in marketing, finance, advertising and other related career fields.
With over a 60 year history, DECA has impacted the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals since it was founded in 1946. Their strong connection with our organization has resonated into a brand that people identify as a remarkable experience in the preparation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.
DECA’s programs and activities have constantly evolved as we use the latest technology and apply cutting edge educational research. Our core focus has remained consistent and is captured in our mission.
The state leadership team, made up of student officers, is responsible for setting and carrying out yearly goals for the Association. In addition, the team is responsible for planning two major annual conferences: The Fall Leadership Conference, in November, and the Ohio State Leadership Conference in March.
During the Fall Leadership Conference, state officers are elected and various leadership workshops are offered to officers in the local clubs throughout the state. The state conference holds a broad series of competitive events for both secondary and post-secondary contestants who have advanced successfully through their local and regional contests.
DECA provides its members the opportunity to develop leadership skills, personal and professional growth, and career-related competencies. Involvement in DECA enhances students’ social awareness, civic responsibility, and understanding of the business community.
Students in the CSI (Career Skills Investigation) program are eligible to become members of DECA. They can run for local, regional or state offices, and assist in planning meetings, fundraisers, community service activities and other club-related activities.
This DECA club advisor is CSI instructor Mrs. Sandy Hess.
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